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Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to the Future

OK, I think it is official now.  I have hit some weird form of mid-life crisis.  I am going back and re-listening to the music of my high school and college years, yes, the "Big 80's".  And even weirder, I am going back and re-reading some of the fiction from that time.  I have even gone back and watched a few of the movies that came out in the 80's.  Here is the really strange part.  Most of it (but not all of it) is very very good.

Granted, some of the musical taste was not necessarily the best.  And as for 80's fashion, well, the less said, the better.  But seriously, think about some of the music.  Michael Jackson, before he got weird.  Prince (musical genius, terrible actor); REM when they were actually "alternative"; vintage U2; arena rockers, Def Leppard; and yes, the ultimate 80's band, Duran Duran.  They all still sound great. 

As far as the reading material, if you really want to understand the era, go back and re-read "Bright Lights, Big City" by Jay McInerny.  Don't watch the movie (it was awful); but the book really does give a picture of what being a young urban professional was like in the mid-80's.  Besides, how many novels are written in the second person?

80's movies comedies were great too.  Think, "Ruthless People" with Bette Midler and Danny DeVito.  Some of the greatest movie lines ever including the immortal "I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!"  If you don't know the line, go watch the movie.  Better than anything Ben Stiller or Will Farrel has ever put out.  And don't forget "Beverly Hills Cop"; still Eddie Murphy's best movie.

Yes, I am looking at the 80's with retro-glasses that make everything look better than it probably was at the time.  But when you compare it to now, the 80's look awfully good.  So if you will excuse me, I need to go.  A "Miami Vice" rerun is about to start.

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