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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Seeking Euphoria

I think "Euphoria" is one of my favorite words.  Just say it out loud and listen to the sound of it.  It is actually fun to say.  Euphoria.  However, as phonetically fun as euphoria is, very few of us experience a sense of euphoria during our lives.

If you look up "euphoria" on the internet, it is described as a feeling of transcendent well being.  If you continue doing research, several online sites indicate that the only people who experience true euphoria (outside of drug induced states) are children during periods of play and athletes who have won a victory after strenuous exertion. The biological reason for this seems to be a release of endorphins in the brain.

Calvin Klein will actually try to sell you a bottle of Euphoria.  I am certain it is a wonderful fragrance and you have to admire the slick marketing, but I have my doubts that by dabbing on cologne that I will have that almost out of body experience that true euphoria is said to provide.

So the question remains, can someone experience true euphoria outside of the endorphin rush and outisde of being a child?  I think the answer is actually a qualified yes.  I think it is rare, but I believe that I have been in a euphoric state on occasion.  I have experienced it out in nature; in a great piece of music; or sometimes just being home with family or friends.

The bottom line on "Euphoria" is there.  It's real.  It happens.  I sincerely hope everyone can experience it.

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