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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is It Time for Christians to Strike Back?

Today I heard something on television that has caused me to think I have reached my limit.  One of the channels on cable and satellite, Comedy Central, has floated an idea for an animated show where the main character is...wait for it...Jesus Christ.  However, this being Comedy Central, you can bet this won't be the Jesus that untold billions (including me) have put their faith in over the last 2000 years.

The advance word on this potential program from Comedy Central  is it revolves around Jesus trying to make his way on Earth while trying to escape the powerful shadow of his video game obsessed father, God.  Wow.  Imagine, the potential audience!  There may be hundreds or even thousands of people interested.

Beyond the fact that millions of people will find the whole idea of this show offensive, there is to me a more important issue:  the loss of free speech and the gross hypocrisy of the corporate entertainment complex.

Recently Comedy Central aired a two part episode of the show "South Park"  revolving around the inability to depict an animated image of the prophet Muhammad.  During the course of the episodes, various figures from important world religions were shown engaged in highly inappropriate behavior:  Jesus is portrayed as being addicted to internet porn; the Buddha is shown snorting cocaine.

This is not the first time that South Park has targeted a religious group.  Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews, and even New Age religions have all had their moments with the show.  Some could be funny, many bordered on scandalous, but the show has always been an equal opportunity offender.

South Park has gone after the Islamic faith before by placing an image of the prophet Muhammad in the show.  In an early episode prior to the brouhaha caused by the publication of Danish cartoons of Muhammad; Muhammad was actually depicted.  However,the show was later censored by the Comedy Central Network and the offending images removed from the internet versions of the show.

In its most recent act of self-censorship, Comedy Central did not allow the name "Muhammad" to be spoken; the animated images of Muhammad were censored out; and at the end of the program where the "moral" (a word I would not normally associate with South Park) is given by one of the main characters, the entire speech is censored.  Ironically the "moral" was about the importance of free speech.  Due to all of the self-censorship taking place, the "Hollywood Reporter" declared the episode to be "virtually incomprehensible".

I am not hear to praise or condemn South Park.  I watch the show on occasion.  Sometimes I find it to be brilliant satire, and sometimes I start, find it offensive and turn it off.  That is my choice.  South Park can say what they want.  It is my decision whether I wish to listen or not.

However, this new show about Jesus Christ is an entirely different matter.  If Comedy Central wishes to air a program that mocks the faith of millions and yet at the same time self censors itself to not be offensive to another faith,we are in a different ballgame. We now know that Comedy Central is in favor of free speech; as long as those they offend take no action against them.

Now, let me state unequivocally, I am in no way advocating violence of any sort against Comedy Central, Viacom (the corporate parent of Comedy Central) or their employees.  I am simply it time for Christians to strike back?

The only way that I know to do this is to unplug cable and satellite.  I don't mean just not watching Comedy Central or avoiding other Viacom programming.  I mean hit'em where it really hurts...their wallets.  If enough people pull out of cable and satellite programming, it will hit not only Comedy Central, but every other entertainment company that airs on satellite and cable and also the satellite and cable companies themselves.

And it would be an equal opportunity hit as well. You strike Comedy Central, but you also put pressure on CNN, Disney, ESPN, Fox, MSNBC, TBS, even the Weather Channel.  Direct TV, Time Warner, Dish Network would be especially hard hit.  The list goes on.  And I think this is a very Christian way of doing things.  Non-violent, easy to do, cost effective, and if done on a large scale, very attention getting.

So for some of you Facebook types out there who know how to start a movement, you now have a suggestion.