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Friday, April 30, 2010


Once again, way too busy to post recently.  However, I have just returned from a trip to the mountains, specifically Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  While I was there I was baffled by what I perceive to be some unusual behaviors.  What I want to know is:  why do people go to a beautiful, natural environment and feel compelled to tour the area by Harley Davidson motorcycles?  I am certain that riding a motorcycle through some of the most achingly beautiful scenery in the nation would have a certain appeal, the noise level produced by these conveyances is completely out of control.

While standing beside a stream just off one of the roads, cars would occasionally pass and there would be a slight noise.  When a motorcycle passed it was deafening.  This cannot be good for people or the wildlife.  At one point, standing on a high ridge, the only sound were the birds, the wind in the tree and the roar of motorcycles passing below.

I am not a "purist" when it comes to wilderness or to our National Parks.  But can't we have a little quiet without the roar of the accountant-dentist-lawyer-over the hill guy on a Harley?